Find & Forage

We love visiting New Zealand places and finding scenes and plants of interest
Ashburton Discgolf Course

Ashburton Discgolf Course

Living in Leeston has many perks being away from the city, one of these perks is being close to...

How much gardening time?

How much gardening time?

A few months ago I downloaded a mobile app called ‘Life Cycle’ and allowed it to track and monitor...

Nibbles is molting

Nibbles is molting

With the change of seasons our little Netherland Dwarf rabbit is molting. His mood has changed and...

the walking man walks

the walking man walks

We've recently kick started our video collection. One of us has a Fine Arts degree and is really...

Welcome to our compost bin

Welcome to our compost bin

Some might say that is not a bin at all, but it works. It is winter in New Zealand at the moment, and our compost is very warm and steaming even on days with -5ºC frosts.

April rains

April rains

Hundreds of worms trying to escape the water logged lawns and gardens risk it on the road.

December time at home

December time at home

This year we built a driftwood Christmas tree – it was delightful. Cherries are improving. Check...