Josh Byrne has produced a fantastic resource in creating this gardening know-how book. The rich content with explanations, step-by-step photo journeys, details about land and water use is superb.
The now Perth based Environmental Scientist (plus landscape designer and gardening expert) provides information on water systems, food systems, garden habitat, hands on tips for soil building, plant production and recycling, garden maintenance and plant propagation.
I read many gardening books each month and something that stood out to me was the parallels between Josh Bryne’s approach and what we are trying to achieve in our own garden spaces.
Each section of the book has given us quality information. I’m always impressed with reading content that inspires change.
Hidden gems include: super informative water cultivation, storage and water zones, vegetable planting guide, herb planting guide, tree planting guide, fruit tree cultivation guide, beneficial predatory and parasitic insects, nutrient deficiency guide, plant pests a diseases guide, and a chicken breed guide.