Tabou Boards

Tabou Boards

Tabou Boards

Client Tabou Boards

Completion Date 2007

The Challenge

Working on the graphics for 2006, 2007, and 2008 with the Tabou Boards shaper Fabien Vollenweider in Bali, Indonesia, and at his home in Marseille, France were some of the best highlights of this project.

Like Gaastra, when the designs for the products were completed, specified to the nearest mm, I then completed the sales and marketing materials and arranged photo shoots on Maui, Hawaii, for high-action advert campaigns.



Bag Design

Bag Design

Bag Design

Client Private

Completion Date 2006

The Challenge
Design a bag that could fold up for easy storage while not in use, that was padded, and would protect the object within for travel. The Bike bag design utilised zips, inflatable walls, and a self contained reduced state for storage while not in use. 


The fin bag included a non-zip closure flap that enabled multiple sizes to be stored in the same bag model, and for it to be used in highly corrosive environments.  



Gaastra – Innovations

Gaastra – Innovations

Gaastra - Innovations

Client Gaastra Windsurf

Completion Date 2000-2007

The Challenge
The challenge of the battern tensioners that I designed for Gaastra was to hide the rope and reduce the impact of scuffing, wear and tear. The design resulted in extending the life of the sails. The colours matched similar tones of the Apple iMacs at the time, creating a high-tech look and feel to the products. 

Another innovation was to create a seam bead that wrapped the base of the sail where it raked across a sandpaper-like windsurfing board at each tack. The seam bead protector resulted in longer life of the sail. 



Gaastra – Harness

Gaastra – Harness

Gaastra Harness

Client Gaastra Windsurf

Completion Date 2000-2007

The Challenge
To create an ergonomic and cost-effective no-stitch harness for windsurfers wear. I created sketches, assisted with created a prototype, and in designing stainless steel tooling for the foam form to expand into. 

Other harnesses designed at the time required detailed and complex sewing skills, and scaling the harnesses to match different sizes was difficult.