Microgreens & Corn Fritters

Microgreens & Corn Fritters

This simple recipe is a great addition to any lunchtime meals. Uses our standard 111 emergency recipe. That is 1 egg, 1 cup of liquid, 1 cup of flour, adapted for corn fritters.

  • 2 x cans of corn kernels
  • 2 x cups of self-raising flour
  • 2 x fresh eggs
  • 40 grams of fresh microgreens (in this case a mixture of kale, cress and Rambo radish)

Feeds family of 4 with some left overs for afternoon snacks.

Stir together the flour, corn and eggs (add in a little milk or water to thin if needed) and fold in microgreens.

We use an electric frypan and add in 2 tablespoons (a squirt of) sunflower oil to coat the base of the pan – bring the pan up to a medium-high temperature before you add in the first fritters. They should sizzle when they are added to the pan. Into this, we place 6 spoon fulls of fritter mixture and cook until golden brown and flip – keep warm in the oven until they are all ready for the family to enjoy together!

The transformation of Quince

The transformation of Quince

Our quince tree has been prolific right from the start. Initially, we had about 15 large fruits from which we turned into poached quince pieces and added them to desserts.

The fruit is too hard to peel we just chop them with a knife and leave the skins on and work on removing the skin in later steps. In the case below we have boiled on a stovetop for what seemed like hours until the fruit transforms in colour from yellow to a lovely glowing ruby red. We typically strain the pulp and use that for quince paste or fruit leather, and use the juice for jelly jam.

We have found their there are two methods for sweetening the quince which is quite astringent otherwise – firstly, to add a cup of sugar for each cup of chopped quince in the pot with a cup of water, or secondly (our preference) is to boil and separate the juice from the pulp and sweeten as required. The reason we do it this way is that the pulp as a paste is great for adding to stews while the juice makes a great jam.